The easiest way to stake Akash

Altcoin Psycho
4 min readFeb 5, 2021

How to stake $AKT in less than 5 minutes.

The obvious disclaimer — this is not financial advice, just sharing my own approach since Akash is my current largest holding and the 50% APY has been incredible. I‘m not here to shill / convince you, so please DYOR.

This is NOT a sponsored article, and there are no ref-links here. This guide will solely focus on how to quickly stake your $AKT.

If you do not currently own any $AKT, you can buy it here:

In order to stake your Akash, you’ll need to stake it on one of the 64 validator nodes. I am a node holder myself, so this guide will show you how to stake directly to my node.

Lets get started:

Step 1) First we need to install the Keplr wallet extension from the google chrome store.

Click here to do so:

Then click “Add to chrome”

Step 2) Go to your google chrome extensions and click the Keplr icon.

It should take you to a screeen that looks like this:

Now click “Create new account”

Step 3) Select the 24 word Mnemonic seed option.

This is your private seed for your Akash Wallet, so make sure to write these 24 words down and keep them somewhere safe offline.

Name your account and create a password

Hit “Next” when you’re complete.

From there, you’ll just need to confirm your 24 word phrase in the correct order.

This is what the confirmation page looks like when you’re done:

Step 4) It’s time to send your $AKT To your Keplr wallet.

Click the Keplr wallet google chrome extension.

It should look like this when you click it:

Notice the red circle in the above image, click the dropdown and make sure to select “Akash”.

Now click “Deposit”.

The address shown is your $AKT deposit address. If you click the wallet address, it should automatically copy the address.

This is the address you should paste in to your exchange.

Now that we have this, it’s time to send the $AKT you have sitting on an exchange to your Keplr wallet. Just simply withdraw from your exchange to this address that we have copied.

You can confirm if it has arrived by clicking the Keplr chrome extension icon (as it will display your Akash balance).

Step 5) Once the $AKT arrives to your Keplr wallet, click here to visit the Keplr dashboard.

Below is an image of what the dashboard should look like.

In the left sidebar, click “Akash” (see the red circle in the above image), and then click “stake” underneath it.

This will take you to the list of validators.

Step 6) This is the important step

Scroll down until you find “Psycho Node” and then click “manage”

The image below shows you what this will look like:

You will then see this pop up pictured below. Click “Delegate”

Now you will see this image below:

Whatever your available balance is, subtract that by 1 (this is to cover gas fees). Enter the rest of your total amount in the “Amount to Delegate” field and then click “Delegate”.

Once you do that, you will be shown a popup for paying the gas fee:

Click “Average” then click “Set Fee”.

Step 7) Finally, confirm all the details are correct and click approve:

That’s it! Your $AKT tokens are now being staked.

To confirm that your tokens are being staked, click here:

At the top of the screen, you should see a confirmation of how many tokens you are now staking. It will look like this:

Please don’t hesitate to reach out on twitter if you have any questions (@ AltcoinPsycho). Cheers!


